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Beta Tester Feedback

Provide feedback on your experiences testing the RTVA App so that we can continue to improve the App.

In the form below you will have the ability to give an Overall Rating and make comments for two critical areas.  Additionally you will have the ability to upload screenshot images of any errors you encounter.

Please note that you will not receive a response to your feedback submissions; but each submission will be evaluated by the Development Team and applied to App updates as needed.

Beta Tester Feedback
The email address you used to create a Beta Account at
The Device Type
Each Device Type App is different. Please select the Device Type you are submitting feedback for.
Rate the App on the Overall Experience you had with the functionality of the RTVA App.
Rate the App on the overall design, and ease of use.
Maximum upload size: 3MB
If you experience any errors, please provide a screenshot of the error message from your device.

Real Time Voice Analyzer
The Future of Respiratory Health Monitoring

Copyright © 2024 Real Time Voice Analyzer. All Rights Reserved.

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We are currently allowing Registrations in the USA and Canada. we will notify you when we are ready to launch in your country.